Home Groups
There are two groups which meet weekly, one on Monday mornings and the other on Thursday evenings, where we explore our faith and seek to deepen our understanding and grow in our relationship with God and one another.
Our informal groups explore the Bible, discuss topics relating to the Christian faith and share food and prayer. Sometimes we follow a course or we may read a book together or reflect on paintings, poems or film.
The daytime study group meets roughly fortnightly on Mondays 090-1200 in the Jubilee Room attached to the church. Dates are January 27th, February 10th & 24th, March 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st, & April 7th.
Details from Sally Davies Tel: 01483 892030
The evening study group meets on Thursdays at 1900.
Details from Alison Harding Tel: 01483 893457
Everyone is welcome to join us. Do get in touch.