
We cannot exist without your help.  Christ Church relies entirely on volunteers and donations from our parishioners and other supporters, to resource all our activities whilst maintaining the Church, Church Hall and Churchyard as well as funding our own vicar, The Reverend Sally Davies

Your gifting can also be of time and talents, to help us run our many activities and community outreach, as well as maintain the church buildings and churchyard.  See below for more details.

Your donations of time, money and your particular skills and gifts are hugely appreciated.  

Thank you so much.

Here are some ways you can help us financially

REGULAR GIVING – please consider giving regularly

Regular donations account for the majority of our income and this enables the church to plan for and be sustained for the present and future. 

Setting up a regular donation by direct debit, through the Church of England’s Parish Giving Scheme, is the most invaluable way to provide financial support, enabling the church to receive donations and gift aid promptly and without extra fees.

To find out more, or set up a direct debit online click the image by this text.

Alternatively, you can download the PGS Information leaflet and PGS Gift Form under “Useful Forms” links at the bottom of this page.


If you would like to give a one-off donation, via our partner, Church of England’s Parish Giving Scheme, you can scan the QR code by this text

or Click here ,

Or, donate directly online if you wish through internet banking:
Account Name:  The Parochial Church Council,  sort code:  60-06-19  account no. 61985171

or donate by cheque making your cheque out to Shamley Green PCC and sending it the Church’s Treasurer (Tony Robinson, Birches House, Birches Lane, Gomshall, Surrey, GU5 9QR)


Please consider leaving a legacy in your will to Christ Church which is a wonderful way to help the ongoing life and ministry of the church in Shamley Green.

Click here for details 


If you are a tax payer you can increase your donation at no extra cost with Gift Aid by completing the form below or, if in church, by completing one of the yellow envelopes.

Click the image for more details 


To discuss the above or if you have any questions click here


We would love to hear from you!  We are hugely grateful to our volunteers who are the lifeblood of the church and we are always looking for new faces to help whilst doing something worthwhile and good for the community.  If you are interested in helping out with any of the following parish activities please contact the PCC Secretary:

Little Stars, carer and baby/toddler group; Messy Church, for families;  Open the Book (going into schools to bring the bible to life in a very simple but effective way); singing in the choir; supporting audio/technical assistance; administrative assistance; helping with Eco Church; Church warden duties; flower arranging; hospitality (coffee after services) and many more…

We would love to hear what talents you can share!

Tell us about your talents, Click here to contact us.


PGS Information leaflet & Gift Form
Download leaflet

Provides further information about how to regularly donate by direct debit using the PGS & the form to complete to set this up.

Gift Aid Form

Download form

Please complete if you wish Gift Aid to be applied to your donation.