Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) has the responsibility for the leadership of the congregation. 

Important decisions are made and the mission statement of the community is shaped during regular meetings.

PCC meetings are in place to discuss matters affecting the life of the Church. The council is made up of members of the clergy, elected officers and members of the congregation who are elected as their representatives. Elected PCC members usually serve a 3 year term. Members of the PCC are also the Trustees of the Church and are legally responsible to the Diocese and Charity Commission for the activities and financial security of the Church.

Our Current Parochial Church Council Members are as follows:-

Vicar: The Reverend Sally Davies

Churchwardens: Mrs. Margaret Goodchild

                      Mrs. Penny Hodgson

Lay representatives on the Deanery Synod:

Mr. Thomas Cornwell

Mrs. Janice Goldsmith

Mrs. Margaret Goodchild

Mr. Kevin Garvey (to 30th April 2024 then ex officio as a member of Diocesan Synod)

Mr. Anthony Robinson (to 30th April 2024 then ex officio as a member of Diocesan Synod) 

Elected lay members: Mrs. Pauline Egerton

  Mrs. Alison Harding

Mr. Anthony Robinson

  Mr. Nicholas Russell-Davis

  Miss Clare Stevens 

Mrs. Joelle Tamraz

  Mrs. Sue Willis

Chair: The Reverend Sally Davies

Vice Chair: Mrs. Margaret Goodchild

Hon. Secretary: Miss Clare Stevens

Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Anthony Robinson