
We are fortunate in boasting an enthusiastic choir which sings at our weekly Sunday 10am Sung Communion and Family Services, leading our hymns and worship songs, our sung service settings, and singing a weekly anthem.  We meet for half an hour before a service to rehearse and have built up a large repertoire over the years.  We also rehearse and sing for major festivals, including Holy Week and Easter, Harvest Festival, the annual All Souls’ Service and Advent and Christmas Carol Services, as well as being available for funerals and weddings.  

If you enjoy singing and would like to be part of our friendly and passionate choir, we would love you to join us!  The ability to read music is not essential, since our Director of Music will provide all the help and support you need.  We appreciate that people have other commitments living in the lovely area in and around Shamley Green where there’s so much on offer and to get involved in, but we would welcome new choir members even if you’re only able to join us for special occasions or the occasional Sunday.  Please contact Rob on Tel: 07931 734145 or email if you are interested in joining us.

Christ Church Extended Choir

The Extended Choir of Christ Church, Shamley Green, performed The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23) by Howard Goodall on Sunday 28th July as part of the 10am Sung Communion service lead by Archdeacon Catharine Mabuza and at our Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 6th October lead by the Rev Sally Davies and Gussie Walsh, they performed Sing to the Lord of Harvest! 

Photo right (left to right) Colin Jobson, Rob Blythe (Director of Music and Organist), Julia Robin, Liz Chalwin, John Page, Chris King, Robert Pick, Neil Harding, Ray, Joelle Tamraz, Margaret Goodchild, David Cameron, Clare Stevens, Anne Taylor, Kevin Garvey, Mandi Robinson, Alison Harding and Molly Howard.

Director of Music 

We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Director of Music, Rob Blythe, who took up the post on 10th March. 

Rob's Bio

I was born and raised in Alnmouth, Northumberland, falling in love with the organ and church music from a young age.  Inspired by a former concert-pianist that used to come and accompany my primary school’s carol services, I took piano lessons gaining my Grade 8 through tuition from Mr Aubrey Richardson, and organ lessons from Dr Russell Missin, former Organist and Master of the Choristers of Newcastle Cathedral.  I taught Secondary Music for several years in Camberley, Odiham, Alnwick and London before setting up my own online business: Musical Contexts, where I currently create online music education resources for primary and secondary classroom music teachers.  I was organist at my home church of St. John the Baptist, Alnmouth, together with its sister church, St. Mary’s, Lesbury, and Organist and Choir Master at St. Andrew’s, Frimley Green, as well as being a Freelance Organist for many years in churches and crematoria.  In 2013, I gained a BA (Hons) in Music and Classical Studies.  As my late organ teacher often used to tell me: “(Robert)…you’re never going to be a cathedral or concert organist, but you’re going to make a parish church very happy” – I am indeed very happy to be Director of Music/Organist and look forward to sharing my musical gift with you to sing God’s praises at Christ Church through music and song for many years.