Rooms for Hire (Jubilee Room and Church Hall)
The Jubilee Room and Church Hall
We have two halls within the church grounds. Both have fully equipped kitchens, toilet facilities and use of our church car park to host meetings and small parties. They seat 40-60 people. Crockery, cutlery and chairs are available to serve refreshments. Check individual venue for tables and seating.
For all enquiries to hire either the Jubilee Room or the Church Hall please telephone Clare Stevens on Tel: 01483 893211 or email
The Jubilee Room
Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee, this major building project was undertaken by Christ Church to provide modern toilet and catering facilities adjacent to the church; completed in 2002 it is used for refreshments after our 10.00 am service each week. It also provides a comfortable space for many of our own church meetings and Time for Lunch as well as for neighbouring churches seeking a lovely, rural setting for training sessions and “quiet days”. There is level access and disabled toilet facilities.
The Church Hall
Built as the original church meeting room in 1901 and increased in size to include toilets and a large kitchen over the years, the Church Hall has been refurbished during 2020, and is used on Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings by various fitness classes and Tuesday mornings (during term-time) by our Little Stars Parent, Baby and Toddler Group and our Messy Church Services. This spacious hall is suitable for use by larger parties.
Booking Form for the Church Hall
Conditions of Hire for the Church Hall