The Vicar's Newsletter
Dear friends,
Please see below for forthcoming services. We look forward to seeing our young families on Saturday for bulb-planting in the churchyard and further ‘Messy’ activities inside. Our Remembrance Service follows on Sunday. And don’t forget to put our Advent Celebration in your diaries; even if Christmas is already on the shop shelves and TV schedules, we will take time for the rich and thought-provoking season of Advent first.
Remembrance Sunday 10th November 10am
Remembrance Service followed by Act of Remembrance at the village War Memorial outside the church, then coffee in the church Jubilee Room.
Safeguarding Sunday 17th November 10am ‘Let’s talk about it!’
An opportunity to reflect upon how we keep one another safe in our church and in our groups and activities, to demonstrate our support for those who suffer abuse or have done so in the past and to commit ourselves afresh to good practice and shared responsibility. If you have any questions or concerns in the area of safeguarding, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Diane Savage: 07816 769913;
Advent Celebration 1st December 10am
Come and celebrate the beginning of Advent with us in our morning service of music and readings followed by coffee and mince pies. (NB Holy Communion at 8am but not at the 10am service.)
Regular services
Sundays: 8am and 10am Holy Communion
Messy Church on the second Saturday of the month for all ages but particularly suitable for families with young and school-aged children; next service Saturday 9th November; details in the parish magazine or from Gussie Walsh 275645.
Little Stars Adult, Baby and Toddler Group Tuesdays 10.00-11.30am in the Church Hall during school term-time.
You who are, who were, who are to come,
before whose judgement
all fades away that is not love:
save us from the violence
that seeks to claim our hears
so we might hear a different voice
and belong to you in truth,
through Jesus Christ, the wounded king of all. Amen.
(Steven Shakespeare)
With my love and prayers as always,
Please note my new email address: